


  • 满足社会发展需要


  • 解决客户用人需求


  • 完善用户学习体验



  • 灵活通用


  • 跨界融合


  • 简单易学


  • 实践应用


Six advantages of fostering interdisciplinary digital talents

Save Budget

One product solves the practical training needs of multiple courses, reducing duplicate purchases

Promote Employment

Matching with reliable employers to provide high quality internship and employment opportunities

Enhance Qualities

Emphasis on digital awareness and habit development to improve students' soft skills

Minimal Cognitive Gap

Learn real commercial enterprise software to reduce the perception gap from learning to employment

Abundant Experience

Instructors with extensive teaching and teacher training experience

Strict Certification

Rigorous design of HAP certification exam content and passing criteria

Link multiple resources to build an education ecosystem

Products and services

For Individuals

Online and offline learning resources

Multi-level HAP certification

Recommendations for quality job opportunities

For Schools

On-campus practical training courses

Teacher Training Courses

For Businesses

Free promotion of job offers

Quality Talent Recommendation

Cooperation with schools

Reduce the cost of practical training

One product to solve the practical training needs of multiple courses

Improve the employment rate and quality

Connect with reliable employers

Provide superior internships and employment opportunities

Improve student’s employability

Improve professional interdisciplinary capabilities and digital literacy

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Types of certification

HAP Introductory Certification
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HAP Level 1 Certification
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HAP Level II Certification
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HAP Instructor Certification
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Cooperation with enterprises

Reach to interdisciplinary digital talents

Focuses on cultivating complex digital talents who integrate discipline expertise with APaaS technology.

Unique approach to on-campus recruitment

You can recruit the right fresh graduates quickly without going through the school application process.

Improve the quality of recruitment through certification

Through a complete system of certification training and examinations, we ensure the candidates' ability to pass.

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Higher Education Partnership


